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Green verrine with peas, mint and chorizo

Make way for the imagination with the verrines: recipes in miniature mode, these preparations presented in small glasses are very popular at aperitif time, cocktails and other receptions. Salty, sweet, these mini portions are all good! Very simple or more elaborate, all your recipes can be declined in verrine and illuminate your buffets.

The one I am presenting to you today has the advantage of being very simple to make, its green color reminds us of spring, its little mint taste sends us straight back to the garden and the little spicy touch is brought by the chorizo in fine straps...

This verrine all green, with peas, mint and chorizo has the additional advantage of being able to be prepared in advance, and can be kept without worry for a few hours in the fridge... practical, isn't it?

1 - Ingrédients pour 10 personnes :

  • 1 kg shelled peas, fresh or frozen

  • 1 liter vegetable stock

  • 15 cl of fluid cream

  • 1 bunch of mint

  • 5 slices of spicy chorizo

  • salt and pepper

  • 1 bowl of water with ice cubes

2 - Préparation :

Boil a saucepan filled with vegetable broth. Throw the peas in the broth, with 3 to 4 mint leaves. Leave for 3 to 4 minutes, then drain the peas and throw them into the bowl of ice water. This manipulation will fix the chlorophyll and keep your verrine very green.

Drain the peas, put about thirty peas aside, then put the others in a blender, with the bunch of mint (keep a few leaves for decoration).

Mix and gradually add the cream until you get the right consistency. Pass everything through a sieve for a perfectly smooth texture.

Salt and pepper to taste.

Gently pour the cream of peas into your verrines. Cut the slices of chorizo into thin strips that you will place on top of your velouté.

Decorate with the reserved peas and a few mint leaves.

Serve well chilled.

3 - Restons en contact !

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